Workshop Schedule

You may attend any of the classes you wish. We make an effort to schedule the classes in rooms large enough for the number of people we think may be interested. Organ classes are generally in the chapel. Primary classes are generally downstairs in the Banquet Hall.

2016 Workshop Schedule

Time Chapel Primary Room Relief Society Baptismal Room Banquet Hall
— schedule subject to change —
8:30 Registration (Pre-Register now to reserve choral packets and lunch tickets!)
8:30-9:00 Hymn Sing & Introductions – Julie Higgins
Session 1
Organ Secrets I – Registration
Eric McKirdy
Basic Conducting
Tom Pixton
Music and Autism
Nancy Bair
Choral Reading
Laurey Lee
Primary: Engaging Children’s Attention so you can bear testimony
Sharla Dance
Session 2:
Organ Secrets II – Pedaling for the non-organist
Eric McKirdy
Composition Class The Art of Accompaniment
Julie Higgins
Primary: Age appropriate activities to capture attention
Sharla Dance
O Sing to the Lord a New Song
11:45-12:30 Lunch in the Banquet Hall. Reserve a lunch, bring your own, or buy it nearby
Session 3:
Organ Secrets III – Playing the hymns with power!
Eric McKirdy
Teaching Young Children Music in the Home
Tara Burke
Choir Rehearsal Technique
David Thomas
Primary: Handling Discipline
Sharla Dance
Session 4:
Master Class
David Thomas
Music Chair Boot Camp
Eric McKirdy
Primary: Variety versus Repetition
Sharla Dance
Closing Session:
Closing Session with Members of the Portland Choir & Orchestra
Color Key Color coding indicates the main target group, but many classes are multi-purpose
Music Chair