2009 Choral Packet

Presented by RuthAnne Day

The Choral Packet for 2009 will include at least the following pieces:

Title Composer/Arranger Publisher
Find In Me a Thankful Heart (SATB) Jan McGuire &
Lloyd Larson
Hope Publishing
Write They Name Upon My Heart (SATB) Sally DeFord http://www.defordmusic.com
Give Your Love Away (SATB) Randy Boothe and
Sherrie Dunford
Jackman Music Corp
Humility: A Hymn Medley (SATB) Brent Jorgensen Jackman Music Corp
He Sent His Son (SSAATTBB) Hofheins Jackman Music Corp
The Lord is My Light (SSAATBB) James Kasen Jackman Music Corp
Did You Think to Pray? (SATB) Andrew Hawryluk http://www.musicbyandrew.ca
Precious Child of Bethlehem (SSA) David Naylor Jackman Music Corp<
Epiphany (SATB) Jane Knox & Mark Wilson Hal Leonard Corporation
I Stand All Amazed (SATB) David Zabriskie http://www.ldsmusicsource.com
Long Ago Within a Garden (SATB) Devan Jones & Dan Carter http://www.ldsmusicsource.com
Hallelujah, Praise His Name (SATB) Faye Lopez Beckenhorst Press
Thanks for Simple Blessings (SATB) Shawn Stringham & Lynn S. Lund Jackman Music Corp
Be Still (SATB) Anna Molgard & Rachel Mohlman http://www.faithsongmusic.com
Sing We Now at Parting (SATB) David Zabriskie http://www.ldsmusicsource.com
Christ the Lord is Risen Today (SATB) Todd Kendall The Lorenz Corporation